Tarte Chrome Paint Shadow Pot Review

Who does love a good shadow pot? Shadow pots are actually some of my favorite beauty products to store in my professional kit, because they usually just tend to be packed with pigment. I mean, you’ll never know when you need to do a slick, metallic eyelid or when you just want a popping highlight for editorial. Here’s a review of a shadow pot that I picked up recently that peaked my interest in store:

Tarte Chrome Paint Shadow Pot

Tarte Chrome Paint Shadow Pot Review in Top Yacht

Claims (from Tarte.com)

Dazzles with a spectacular mirrored metallic effect

  • 80% pure pearl pigments give you the high sheen of a cream or gloss but the easy wear & application of a powder


Tarte Chrome Paint Shadow Pot Review in Top Yacht


If you guys are looking for a go-to, all-over-the-lid spring/summer eyeshadow, go for Top Yacht. Top Yacht was the color I picked up, and honestly, it is gorgeous. I swatched the entire shade range in store, however I knew I would get most use of Top Yacht.


If you can’t tell by the swatch- let me tell you now. This stuff is pigmented!!! As in, pigmented!!!! Just one swatch and you’re good! I sort of didn’t expect anything less from a shadow pot, but I am glad to know my intuition and prediction were accurate!


I wore this eyeshadow by itself with no primer and it lasted a good 8 hours on me. I’m assuming if I do decide to use primer under it, it would only last longer. Definitely an A+ in my book for longevity!

Final Verdict

I really can’t say anything bad about this shadow pot… honestly! It’s super pigmented, and as of everyday shades, the range Tarte offers is great. (However, I would love to see more shades in the future!) Its longevity will be extremely useful as the weather starts getting warmer, and I didn’t have a problem using it as either a topper or as an all over lid color. Would highly, highly recommend you guys checking it out!

What about you guys? What are your favorite Tarte Shadow Pot shades or your favorite shadow pots in general??? Let me know in the comments below!